TALES OF COLLAPSE 2 7. The Time Had Come
Publicado el 26/04/2020.
Imagen de Johannes Plenio en Pixabay.
Translated by Wild Way
► It was the worst year that anyone remembered: water swallowed up the earth, fire devoured it, the skies opened up, wind ripped out the trees and plagues exterminated hundreds of thousands… And the people understood that, finally, they were not in control.
Nature had sent a clear and concise message: don’t change the planet, adapt to it, don’t destroy life, live in harmony with the other living creatures, respect limits.
The people had understood the lesson, during these times they looked at nature with respect, they decided that the time had come to return to the sea what was of the sea, to leave the rivers to their currents, and the sky to the birds and the air that we breathe.
And so it was and this we did. And once the storm was past and our dead were buried, after the plagues and the rains, when the rivers returned to their courses, we jumped in our car with the kids and went to the beach to have a paella at the bar.
Imagen de cascaras en Pixabay.
Relatos Colapsistas 2 - Y llegó la hora. Felix Moreno vía YouTube.
26/04/2020Textos disponibles en mis libros de papel Relatos Colapsistas. Si te ha gustado este artículo, puedes estar en contacto con nuestra comunidad en nuestro canal en Telegram. También puedes seguirnos en en Twitter, Twitch, Youtube, y en Facebook. Pues apoyarme de diferentes maneras para que siga escribiendo en mi seccion de APOYO.
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